Modernization of Daoism in China and Southeast Asia
Articles and Book Chapters
2024 (with Wu Xu). "The Revival of Wudang Daoist Martial Arts." Martial Arts Studies 15, pp. 26-41.
2019 (with Ma Junhong and Jie Yan). "Dragon Wells and Sacred Springs in China." In Holy Wells and Sacred Springs, edited by Celeste Ray, pp. 121-130. London: Routledge.
2016 "On Daoism and Religious Networks in a Digital Age." In Place/No Place: Spatial Aspects of Urban Asian Religiosity, edited by Joanne Waghorne. Singapore: Asia Research Institute-Springer Publication series.
2015 "Wudang Daoist Tea Culture." In Re-Orienting Cuisine: East Asian Foodways in the Twenty-First Century. Edited by Kwang-ok Kim, pp. 56-70. New York: Berghahn.
2016 "Wudang Daojiao Wenhua Yanjiu" ["Wudang Daoist Tea Culture"]. In Minzu Xuekan. Journal of Ethnology, translated by Zheng Weibin. Vol. 38 no. 6: 28-35. [translation/reprint]
2013 "A Northern God in the South: Xuantian Shangdi in Singapore and Malaysia." In Chinese Popular Religion: Linking Fieldwork and Theory: Papers from the Fourth International Conference on Sinology, pp. 49-72. Taipei: Academia Sinica. PDF
2010 "Remaking Tradition in a World in Motion: Towards a Theory of Globalization and Religious Modernity." Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Issue 2 (June 2010).
2010 "Wudang Mountain and the Modernization of Daoism." Journal of Daoist Studies. Vol. 3: 202-210.
2009 "'Ascend to Heaven and Stand on a Cloud': Daoist Teachings and Practice at Penang's Taishang Laojun Temple." In The People and the Dao: New Studies of Chinese Religions in Honour of Prof. Daniel L. Overmyer. Edited by Philip Clart and Paul Crowe, pp. 143-184. Sankt Augustin: Institut Monumenta Serica.
2009 Zai Shunxi Wanbiande Shijieli Zhongjian Chuantong—Tanqiu Quanquihua he Zongjiao ji Chuantong Wenhua Xiandaixingde Lilun ("Remaking Tradition in a World in Motion: Towards a Theory of Globalization and Religous Modernity"), translated by Leilei Chen. In Zongguo Shehiu Kexue Jikan (Chinese Journal of Social Sciences) June 2009, Volume 27: 142-47.
2009 "Wudang Mountain and Mount Zion in Taiwan: Syncretic Processes in Space, Ritual Performance, and Imagination." Published in a special issue of the Asian Journal of Social Science on religious syncretism edited by Daniel Goh. Vol. 37 (2009): 138-162. PDF
2008 "Wudang Mountain: Staging Charisma and the Modernization of Daoism." Chenghuang Xinyang [City God Belief], edited by Ning Ngui Ngi, pp. 273-280. Singapore: Lorong Koo Chye Sheng Hong Temple Association.
2008 "Commodifying Blessings: Celebrating the Double-Yang Festival in Penang, Malaysia and Wudang Mountain, China." In Marketing Gods: Rethinking Religious Commodifications in Asia, edited by Pattana Kitiarsa, pp. 49-67. London: Routledge.