2025    "The Ancient Groves have Modern Stories: Wudang Daoist Tea." Forthcoming in  Intangible Cultural Heritage Perspective on Tea: Tea and the World · Civilization        Exchange, edited by Liu Zhaohui and Wang Xingxing. Zhejiang Education Press.(In Chinese:《非遗观茶:茶和天下·文明互鉴》,刘朝晖、王星       星主编,浙江教育出 版社,2024 年版).

2023    "The Modern Invention of Big Red Robe Tea: History, Science, Story and Performance."  In "Understanding Authenticity in Chinese Cultural Heritage," edited by Anke Hein and Christopher J. Foster.  Routledge, pp. 186-201

2022    (with Ma Junhong) "History, Creativity, and Value: The modern making of Gold Jun Mei Tea."  Asian Journal of Social Science Vol. 50 (2022), pp. 195-205. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajss.2022.06.005

2019    (with Ma Junhong and Jie Yan). "Dragon Wells and Sacred Springs in China." In Holy Wells and Sacred Springs, edited by Celeste Ray, pp. 121-130. London: Routledge.

2015    "Wudang Daoist Tea Culture." In Re-Orienting Cuisine: East Asian Foodways in the Twenty-First Century. Edited by Kwang-ok Kim, pp. 56-70. New York: Berghahn.